Viola is pure vintage elegance. Its multi-layered typography paired with touches of soft pretty shapes gives Viola a look all it's own. Reminiscent of journals and letterheads of days past, Viola is a uniquely detailed approach to a website design.
Viola is all about options. This template offers the option of a Static Home Page, a perfect way to introduce your work as well as provide navigation links to essential pages of your site. Viola’s menu area uses gorgeous typography to give your website a navigational header, ideal organization for a website with a lot of links. Viola features a full width masthead image ready to be customized. A large ombre pull quote engages your visitors, giving you a gorgeous section to set the tone of your website.
The About Section gives a typewriter feel and can be used as a preview to your About Page. The New on the Blog section showcases your best work and works as a seamless lead in link to your blog! Underneath that, a Grid Section can be used to dynamically show content, as well as links to a variety of different pages on your site! A clean footer caps it off, balancing the same vintage letterhead structure.
Viola also comes with corresponding ProPhoto Proofing Plugin settings, so when you purchase and upload the plugin, Viola's design remains cohesive throughout your site.
With Viola, any ProPhoto Feature goes! It’s made to be versatile to your specific needs. You are not locked into any particular design element, page layout or website structure. If you want your blog posts to be on your home page, it’s possible! If you want the Recent Posts to be Categories instead, you got it! With Viola's unlimited amount of customization and ProPhoto’s countless features, the sky’s the limit!
Keep things fresh and organized! Viola includes three complimentary Post Layout Templates to add interest to your blog photos and ensure that your branding looks great all across the board! Don’t feel limited by these three layouts, we offer additional Post Layout Templates in the RMY Template Shop or feel free to create your own! Simple instructions for Viola’s Photoshop Templates are included to thoroughly guide you through the customization process! Feel free to change fonts, colors and photos to help make this design your own!